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  • Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías
  • Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías
  • Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías
  • Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías
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Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías

  • AOT
  • Xiamen, China
  • 10-25 días laborables
  • 50 juegos/mes
Es una máquina necesaria para el ensamblaje de paquetes de baterías cilíndricos, es para probar y clasificar voltaje y resistencia. El clasificador de celdas automático de 10 canales está diseñado para clasificar celdas cilíndricas 18650. Las celdas 26650, 32650 y 21700 son opcionales. El proceso de clasificación se establece mediante software, control de clasificación automático. Caja de carga de tolva, fácil de rellenar las celdas durante el proceso Diseño de cuatro ruedas, fácil de mover la máquina a cualquier lugar de operación.

Descripción del Producto

Máquina clasificadora y clasificadora automática de baterías de celdas cilíndricas 18650 de 10 canales Producción de baterías

Descripción del Producto:

Alimentación automática de 20 canales ymáquina clasificadoraes un dispositivo automático para codificar automáticamente las celdas y probar el voltaje y la resistencia interna. El nivel de cada celda de la batería se calcula de acuerdo con la configuración del software de la computadora central y se transfieren diferentes grados de baterías a diferentes canales de acuerdo con el resultado de la determinación, logrando así la clasificación automática de los productos de batería. El equipo de clasificación automática se compone de un mecanismo de alimentación, un dispositivo de codificación automática, un mecanismo de prueba, una clasificación automática y un mecanismo de recepción.

El sistema de la máquina diseña y desarrolla el software de la computadora superior según los requisitos del usuario, y clasifica y recopila automáticamente los núcleos de la batería en sus canales correspondientes de acuerdo con la información del grupo establecida. 

Parámetro básico:

ModeloClasificadora automática de baterías AOT-ST-1811
Suministro de voltaje220 V/50 Hz
Fuerza1,6 kW
Presión del aire0,4-0,8 MPa
Pantalla de visualizaciónProgramador PLC de 3 ejes con pantalla táctil de 7,5 pulgadas
Adecuado paraBatería 18650
Canal de recepción10 canales de clasificación y coincidencia, 1 canal no calificado
Ajuste de resistencia interna0 mΩ-999,9 mΩ
Ajuste de voltaje0-6V
Eficiencia de producciónAproximadamente 5000 piezas/hora
AlimentaciónPor tolva, 500 celdas por vez
Conexión externaMáquina de relleno de conexión automática personalizable
Probador estándar: Probador HOPETECH HK3560 (el probador Hioki es opcional)
Probador de alta velocidad
Precisión de voltaje 0,00001 V
Precisión de resistencia interna 0,01 mΩ
Dispositivo de movimiento
Step shifting using closed-loop stepper motor, and the positioning is accurate.
The synchronous belt conveys the cell to prevent the cell surface damaged
Automatic collection the production quantity to show current production efficiency
Test data can be stored in U disk
Optional cell dynamic tester, Practical embodiment the quality and load performance of cell
The equipment debugging is simple, easy to learn and easy to understand, with fault alarm
Package sizeL1650*W1250*H1690mm
WeightAbout 350kg

Product Display

18650 battery sorting machine

10 Channel Automatic-18650 Battery Grading Sorting Machine

It is a necessary machine for cylindrical battery pack assembly, it is for voltage and resistance testing and sorting. 10 Channel automatic cell sorter is designed to sort cylindrical 18650. 26650 , 32650, 21700 cells are optional. Sorting process is set by software, automatic sorting control Hopper loading box, easy to refill cells during the process Four wheels design, easy to move the machine to any operating place

battery sorting machine

                                                                                               18650/21700/26650/32650 Battery Cell Sorting machine 


Software-controlled grading: The level of each battery cell is calculated based on the software settings of the host computer. The determination result is used to transfer batteries of different grades to different channels for sorting.

Feeding mechanism:

The machine is equipped with a feeding mechanism that ensures a steady and continuous supply of batteries for sorting.


20 channel automatic cylinder battery sorting machine

18650 battery sorting machine


battery sorting machine


Q1. What is the cell sorting machine?

A cell sorting machine, also known as a flow cytometer, is a scientific instrument used to analyze and sort cells based on their physical and chemical characteristics. It is commonly used in research laboratories and medical facilities for a variety of applications, including cell biology, immunology, cancer research, and stem cell studies.

The cell sorting machine works by passing cells through a fluidic system that transports them in a single file. As the cells flow through the system, they pass through a laser beam that excites fluorescent dyes or labels attached to the cells. The laser light causes the labeled cells to emit fluorescence, which is then detected by detectors and converted into electronic signals.

Based on the detected signals, the machine can analyze the properties of individual cells, such as their size, shape, granularity, and fluorescence intensity. The instrument can also sort the cells into different populations based on these characteristics. This is achieved by using an electrostatic charging system or mechanical sorting mechanism, such as microfluidics or jet-in-air technology, to deflect and divert the cells into different collection tubes or plates.

Cell sorting machines offer researchers the ability to isolate and collect specific subsets of cells, allowing for further analysis or downstream applications. They are powerful tools in cellular research and have contributed to advancements in various fields of biology and medicine.

Q2. How does a cell sorting machine work?

A cell sorting machine is used to separate and isolate specific cells from a heterogeneous cell population based on their unique properties. The machine uses a combination of techniques such as fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) or magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) to achieve this.

Here is a general overview of how a cell sorting machine works:

    Sample Preparation: The cell population of interest is prepared for sorting. It may involve labeling the cells with specific fluorescent markers or attaching magnetic beads to the target cells.

    Sample Introduction: The prepared cell suspension is introduced into the cell sorting machine through a sample inlet.

    Detection: As each cell passes through the machine, it encounters a laser or magnetic field that detects the specific markers or beads attached to the cells. This detection system generates signals based on the fluorescence or magnetic properties of the cells.

    Decision-Making: The signals from the detection system are processed by a computer, which determines the cells' properties and makes decisions on their sorting fate based on pre-defined sorting criteria.

    Sorting: Once the decision is made, cells are sorted into different fractions or collection tubes. This can be done using various techniques, such as electrostatic deflection or magnetic separation, depending on the type of cell sorting machine used.

    Collection: The sorted cells are collected in separate containers or plates, and the process continues until all the cells have been sorted.

Overall, the goal of a cell sorting machine is to accurately detect and separate cells based on their desired properties, allowing researchers to isolate specific cell populations for further analysis or experimentation.

Q3.The role of battery sorter

The main function of the battery sorter is to efficiently and accurately classify and sort the battery. It can classify batteries according to different specifications and performance levels by measuring their appearance, size, weight, and electrical performance parameters such as voltage, capacity, and internal resistance. This helps to improve production efficiency, ensure product quality, and meet the market's diversified demand for batteries. At the same time, in the battery recycling process, the battery sorter also plays an important role in helping to achieve effective recovery and reuse of resources. In short, the battery sorter is an indispensable key device in battery production and recycling.

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